Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Elderly Care Waiver Program

Elderly Care Waiver Program helps seniors get help and services to remain in their own homes or community. Each state may have a different name for it but many refer to it as the "Waiver Program for Elderly Care".

The Elderly Waiver (EW) program funds home and community-based services for people age 65 and older who are eligible for Medical Assistance (MA) and require the level of medical care provided in a nursing home, but choose to reside in the community. Counties administer the program as part of the federal waiver program.

What is the Elder Care Waiver Program? Each state has their own program and requirements. The waiver care program can include visits by a skilled nurse, home health care aides, personal care assistant, adult day care, supplies and equipment, certified community residential services (assisted living, residential care)

Who is eligible?
• Those eligible for the EW program are 65 or older, eligible for Medical Assistance, and need nursing home level of care as determined by the Long-Term Care Consultation process.
• The EW service cost for an individual cannot be greater than the estimated nursing home cost for that same individual.

Medicaid State Waiver Program - General Information is a website set up to locate your state's link for further information. Another source for getting further information would be to contact your state's Department of Human Services.

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