Friday, July 2, 2010

Resources for living Gluten Free

If you have Celiac disease life is quite a challenge. My friend Carol has shared her worries and concerns about another friend who is gluten intolerant. I had never thought much about it until she shared her concerns. Since then I have discovered make-up, dog food, lotions, and even some medications may all have gluten in them to ambush the unwary.

Celiac disease (gluten intolerant) is an inherited, autoimmune disease in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged from eating gluten and other proteins found in wheat, barley, rye, and possibly oats.

I recently joined a blog hop and found some great blogs Lisa's Gluten-Free Advise . She has a directory of other gluten-free blogs, restaurants that serve gluten-free cuisine. It is a rich source for people living with this challenge.

I looked at the recipe for her gluten-free Hawaiian Pizza it looks very tasty. At Lisa's site I clicked on the blog Gluten Free Taste of Home. I am so very excited at all the resources I found. If you or someone you know is gluten intolerant please pass on these great blogs.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I am honored that you would make a post about me in your blog.
I am truely honored.
Thank-you so much.
Thank-you for the follow.
I am following your wonderful blog too.
Have a fun and safe 4th of July.

Ruth F said...

Thank you for stopping by. When I started this blog I saw it as a way to share what I had learned from taking care of my Mom. that is still true today, but I think it is wider than that.

It is a place for people to learn more about care giving issues and have a place to find resources. It is also My Mom's story. She was a dynamic lady who enjoyed learning.

Gluten Free Foods said...

Fortunately for people who have a gluten intolerance, there are other ingredients that can be used to make pizzas that do not contain gluten. Typical ingredients in the average gluten-free pizza might include rice flour or potato starch.